Saturday, March 22, 2008

What the Hell are You Doing?

I had this idea for a book a year or two back. Basically, it's a non-fiction book about bad music. As I developed this idea, it was decided to be a referential history on music historically remembered as being awful; an analysis on the pop culture science and sociological phenomena surrounding bad music and strung together with autobiographical accounts and examples that correspond. In the time since I thought of it, I've written maybe 2 or 3 pages out of say... the 400 or so needed to finish it. I mean, let's face it, with all that I have going on, with my long history of projects started and unfinished, could/would I ever get around to finishing an entire book? I mean, this fucker would really require some research. It would require hours and hours of undesirable listening, scouring the internet, surveys, interviews... do I have this much discipline? And what would I do once I finished? Would anyone publish this thing written by an unknown, low-level amateur music journalist?

Well, moments ago, I was taking a shower. The shower isn't so much important as the fact that for whatever reason, while i was taking this shower, it occurred to me that it would be much simpler, much more motivating to turn this idea into a music blog. Each chapter would be published and instantly gratified along with download-able examples of the very stuff I was writing about. In all honesty, it could just as well slip onto the back burner like so many other ideas of mine, but it can't hurt to give it a try.

This is the ground floor, my friends. Tune in, read along, listen in horror, and feel free to contribute to what may very unlikely one day become your favorite coffee table book.

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